Step 1: Register the Voucher & Get a Authentication Code

  • Justherbs will send a voucher code to you post 7 days of delivery

  • Within 7 days of receiving the voucher, log on to, click on "Registration" tab, and fill in your required details along with the voucher number.

  • On successful completion, you will receive an authentication code. Once you get your authentication code, you can go ahead and do the booking.

  • Use the authentication code at the time of booking the service. Authentication code is valid for 60 days from the date of receiving it

Step 2: Book the Service within 30 days of receiving Authentication code

  • The service has to be booked within 30 days of receiving the authentication code (registration).

  • Go to the registration tab on

  • Click at the Booking Tab, enter the authentication code and enter the details as requested to process your booking.

  • You have to send the booking request a minimum 7 days in advance to get your preferred booking appointment date, till your voucher validity

  • Rewardpromo’s customer care executive will call you 48 hours prior to your requested booking date. They will confirm your booking and provide salon details. In case of non-availability, they will provide you with an alternate slot and/or venue. (Helpline Number – 8433999050) (lines open from Monday to Friday between 10:30 AM and 5:30 PM)

  • You can request for re-scheduling the appointment within 48 hours of booking confirmation. For re-scheduling, you can call our customer care number 8433999050 (lines open from Monday to Friday between 10:30 AM and 5:30 PM) or email Rewardpromo at Any request after the scheduled time for re-scheduling will not be entertained.

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